Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mystery Readers

Mystery Reader #1
Mrs. Koopmann
(picture to come!)

Mystery Reader #2
Sister Bernelle
Clue 1. I like Jesus a lot and I pray prayers out of a big prayerbook every morning before school starts.
Clue 2. I make book reports for the puppy.
Clue 3. I correct math papers and put them in each folder.

Mystery Reader #3
Mrs. Bartho
Clue 1. I come to school more than each of you.
Clue 2. My kids all play hockey.
Clue 3. I answer the phone and say, "Good morning, St. Dominic School - this is...."

Mystery Reader #4
Mrs. Marvin

Mystery Reader #5
Mrs. Balvin

Mystery Reader #6
Mr. Beaham

Mystery ReaderS #7
Isaac's Grandparents

Mystery Reader #8
Mrs. Beaham